St. Tammany Parish - National Gumbo Day and National School Lunch Week

SFA: St. Tammany Parish School System

Date: October 2017

National Gumbo Day - October 12

Lancaster Elementary School - National Gumbo Day Lancaster Elementary School - National Gumbo Day Lancaster Elementary School - National Gumbo Day

Lancaster Elementary School -
Students Enjoying Gumbo

National School Lunch Week - October 8 - 14

Lyon Elementary School - NSLW Sheriff Lunch Guests Lyon Elementary School - NSLW Police Lunch Guests

Lyon Elementary School -
Sheriff and Police Lunch Guests

Pitcher Junior High School - NSLW Principal and Cafeteria Manager

Pitcher Junior High School -
Principal and Cafeteria Manager

Clearwood Junior High School - NSLW Blind Taste Test Clearwood Junior High School - NSLW Blind Taste Test

Clearwood Junior High School -
Blind Taste Test

Little Pearl Elementary School - NSLW Grandparents Lunch Guests Little Pearl Elementary School - NSLW Police Lunch Guests

Little Pearl Elementary School -
Grandparents and Police Lunch Guests