Professional Standards Training Reward Badges for Louisiana School Nutrition Staff
Are you looking for a fun way to promote training and recognize staff who have completed their annual training requirements? Check out the USDA's Training Reward Badges.
Complete two trainings in any of the key areas and earn a badge for that specific area.
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After one key area badge is earned, school nutrition staff are eligible for achievement badges:
Earn a badge in one out of the four key areas and receive a Bronze badge.
Earn badges in two out of the four key areas and receive a Silver badge.
Earn badges in three out of the four key areas and receive a Gold badge.
Earn badges in all four key areas and receive a Platinum badge.
Information about how to award badges and honor staff may be found in The Guide to Professional Standards for School Nutrition Programs. It is a central resource that comprehensively outlines the USDA Professional Standards requirements for state and local school nutrition program professionals who manage and operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP).
This resource supports school nutrition professionals in ensuring they have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to assure the success of the NSLP and SBP.